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5402 W Hwy 61, Lutsen Twp, MN

Posted by on July 18, 2017
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5402 W Hwy 61, Lutsen Twp, MN

For Sale

Presented By:

Mitch Spargur Group

Lead Agent
Keller Williams Classic Realty NW
Office: 763-463-7500
Licensed In: MN
License #: 20463335

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$ Click for current price
4 BEDROOMS | 2 (1 full, 1 half ) BATHROOMS | 1400 SQUARE FEET

Viewpoint is what the family named it many years ago and once you are standing in the kitchen, bedrooms, family room, hot tub, or along its 350+’ of the gold coast Lutsen frontage you will understand why. Lets not even mention the cutest breakfast cafe in walking distance (on a private path). This enchanted woods does it all. 5 hours north of the cities but so worth the drive!!